Wednesday, 5 December 2012
3D Animation Complete
I have completed my 3D animation I have edited it and put it onto youtube. After I had captured the animation on iStopMotion I exported it as a quicktime movie and then edited it on iMovie where I added a voice over of The Very Hungry Caterpillar story which was on youtube and I converted it to an mp3 so that I could put it onto iMovie after I had done the voice over I put in a instrumental song in the background so that there was no quite bits in the back ground the song is an instrumental of Singing In The Rain. After finishing editing I uploaded my 3D animation to youtube.
My 3D Animation Link
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
3D Animation Storyboard
This is my storyboard for my 3D animation of "The Hungry Caterpillar"
Shot 1 the caterpillar is on the ground with the sun shining and audio is "one Sunday morning the warm sun came up and - pop! out of the egg came a tiny very hungry caterpillar".
Shot 2 the caterpillar is kind of standing up the audio is "He started to look for some food".
Shot 3 the caterpillar is going past one apple the audio is "On Monday he ate through one apple but he was still hungry".
Shot 4 the caterpillar goes past two pears audio is "On Tuesday he ate through two pears but he was still hungry".
Shot 5 the caterpillar goes past three plums "On Wednesday he at through three plums but he was still hungry".
Shot 6 the caterpillar goes past four strawberries audio is "On Thursday he ate through four strawberries but he was still hungry".
Shot 7 the caterpillar goes past five oranges audio is "On Friday he ate through five oranges but he was still hungry, That night he had a stomachache".
Shot 8 the caterpillar goes past one big leaf audio is "The next day the caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf and after that he felt much better".
Shot 9 the caterpillar in the middle audio is "Now he wasn't hungry any more - and he wasn't a little caterpillar anymore. He was a big fat caterpillar".
Shot 10 A cocoon in the middle audio is "He built a small cocoon around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. The he nibbled a hole i the cocoon, pushed his way out and..."
Shot 11a butterfly in the middle audio is "He was a beautiful caterpillar".

Shot 2 the caterpillar is kind of standing up the audio is "He started to look for some food".
Shot 3 the caterpillar is going past one apple the audio is "On Monday he ate through one apple but he was still hungry".
Shot 4 the caterpillar goes past two pears audio is "On Tuesday he ate through two pears but he was still hungry".

Shot 6 the caterpillar goes past four strawberries audio is "On Thursday he ate through four strawberries but he was still hungry".
Shot 7 the caterpillar goes past five oranges audio is "On Friday he ate through five oranges but he was still hungry, That night he had a stomachache".
Shot 8 the caterpillar goes past one big leaf audio is "The next day the caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf and after that he felt much better".
Shot 9 the caterpillar in the middle audio is "Now he wasn't hungry any more - and he wasn't a little caterpillar anymore. He was a big fat caterpillar".

Shot 11a butterfly in the middle audio is "He was a beautiful caterpillar".
Animation Ideas - Mind Maps
To get an Idea for animation I created two mind maps one for 2D Ideas and one for 3D ideas. When I came to doing the mind maps I had a few ideas for my 2D creation but not a lot for my 3D.
Here is a picture of my mind map for my 2D animations.
My 2D I came up with several ideas including South Park, Doodle Jump, Angry Bird, Mickey Mouse, Futurama, Handy Manny, Simpsons, Family Guy, Peppa Pig and Retro video game e.g. Space Invaders, Pong, Pac-Man etc.
At first I thought I would go with South Park because that use to be done as a cut out animation but I changed my mind and went with Peppa Pig with a twist.
Here is a picture of my mind map for my 3D animations.
My 3D I had difficulty coming up with ideas but I got a few in the end including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Wallace and Gromit, A Car Race, Morph and Doctor Who.
I chose to go with The Very Hungry Caterpillar which I though would be a could idea because it was a book I read when I was younger and I remember reading it and my sister is now reading it because she is in nursery.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
2D Animation Complete
I have completed my 2D animation and edited it and uploaded it to youtube. When I finished capturing it on iStopMotion I exported it as a quicktime movie and imported it onto iMovie. On iMovie I added in sound to the animation and an inter title with the production name and one at the end with the starring roles and people that helped. After finishing that I saved it and exported it again as a quicktime movie and uploaded it to youtube. The only thing I struggled with on iMovie was that the fact I had spelt my name wrong on the actual animation and did not know how to cover it up on iMovie so I asked Mike to help and he got it sorted for me.
Here is a link for my 2D animation which is on YouTube.
Monday, 22 October 2012
2D Animation Storyboard
This is my storyboard for my 2D animation. There is nine screen shots for this storyboard and for everyone screen shot there is a short description of what will happen in the scene and then I wrote down what audio will be used in the scene. The drawings aren't perfect but that doesn't matter as long as you get a brief outline of what will happen during the animation.
This is the first sheet and the first scene is a view of Peppa Pig's house with the Peppa Pig theme song.
Second scene will be a view of Peppa's house with Peppa appearing in front of the house with the Peppa Pig theme song. The third scene will zoom into Peppa's house and the title will appear and the theme song will come to an end. The fourth scene starts in the woods where Peppa is walking happily through the woods, the audio being used is Peppa whistling. The fifth scene is the intro of Elmer Fudd and he is walking in the woods to try to find something to hunt and he says be very very quiet I'm hunting.

The sixth scene Peppa approaches the 'Hunting Season' sign and then gets worried when she hears a gun shot, the audio is the sound of a shotgun being fired. The seventh scene Elmer walk onto the scene to where Peppa is, Peppa says 'Hi I'm Peppa Pig' and Elmer says ' I'm Elmer Fudd and I like hunting'. Eight scene Elmer Fudd shoots Peppa and the audio is a sound of a shotgun being fired and a squeal of a pig. The final scene is Peppa laying on the floor dead and the audio is of Elmer Fudd laughing.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
2D Animation (So Far)
So far on my 2D animation I have thought of my idea for my animation, my idea is Peppa Pig meets Elmer Fudd. My idea will be done as a cut out animation. I have drawn my cut outs and i have done separate faces for Peppa with different facial expressions and I have done several number of eyes with different looks, I got the looks off the internet and printed it off to prove that I have researched something for my animation. Also I am currently trying to sort out a way that Elmer Fudd will walk.
I managed to sort out away for Elmer Fudd to walk because his legs originally were like he was sneaking up on somebody but if I had done that he wouldn't of moved forward, so I just did his legs normally so that he could walk forward. I have done two backgrounds i have done done the hill where Peppa Pigs house is and that will be used for the introduction of the animation. The other background is in the woods where Elmer Fudd is hunting and Peppa is also there, I got the background from this from a scene of an episode of Looney Tunes where Elmer Fudd is hunting Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny.
I managed to sort out away for Elmer Fudd to walk because his legs originally were like he was sneaking up on somebody but if I had done that he wouldn't of moved forward, so I just did his legs normally so that he could walk forward. I have done two backgrounds i have done done the hill where Peppa Pigs house is and that will be used for the introduction of the animation. The other background is in the woods where Elmer Fudd is hunting and Peppa is also there, I got the background from this from a scene of an episode of Looney Tunes where Elmer Fudd is hunting Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Proposal For 2D Animation
Today I have created a proposal on Microsoft Word for my 2D animation
It is going to be an Peppa Pig episode with a guest appearance from Elmer Fudd. In my proposal i included: Working title which is Peppa Pig Meets Elmer Fudd. I included a medium which will be a cut out animation at 12 frames per second. I included the target audience which will be young teenagers because of the content of the animation because Peppa Pig gets shot and older teenagers will find it funny especially if they have younger siblings who watch Peppa Pig. The indication of style is comedy with a bit of thriller. The summary content is Peppa Pig and her family go to the woods/park and Peppa wonders off and gets lost and Elmer Fudd Shoots her. The length of the animation should be 15 seconds to 1 minutes but I might run over a little bit and my inspiration is that my sister watches Peppa Pig loads and it annoys me so i thought Peppa Pig getting shot would be funny for viewers who have younger sibling like me.
I had my proposal looked at by Mike and Jenny and they told me to add a few things to make my proposal stronger. I added an age range to the intended audience so I put 15 year old to 20 year old. In the indication of style I compared the normal Peppa Pig and the genre for that to the version I am doing. Also added my other inspiration for doing Peppa Pig and I put that my other inspiration were Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, The Hive, Jake and the Neverland Pirates and Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
This is my first video of 3D animation using plasticine.
The first thing we did when we started using clay was we tried to make a morph. Because I have never tried making a morph before it was difficult. Instead of doing each body parts separately because they wouldn't stick, it is easier to use a block of plasticine and mold the body parts so that they wouldn't fall off. I tried my best but my morph wouldn't stand up because of the weight of it, so to make it stand up i tried putting wire in it to make it stand up, but it just made it worse. I put it in the tin and Adam said it could be a Davros Morph because it looked similar to the character Davros from 'Doctor Who' which is half human and half Dalek. It stuck so we used it our animation.
For this clay animation we had my Davros Morph, Adam's snail and Aaron's elephant. We came up with the idea of the elephant and snail playing football and Davros Morph coming into the scene and scaring the elephant and then hiding behind the snail, but then Davros Morph came behind them both the elephant ran away and Davros Morph kills the snail and then we zoomed in on Davros Morph and he started laughing evilly. As a group we work well together and came up with a great idea for the clay animation. Even though my morph wouldn't stand up we came up with a solution for the problem and it worked.
We used IStopMotion to create the clay animation like you would with any other type of animation, to me it easy to use because I used it a lot last year. I made a clay animation last year but i think that the one I did last year was a lot better. Instead of using Final Cut Express to edit it I used iMovie which is a new software to me but the more I have used it the better I have become it, I added all the sound from iMovie made it neater by adding a title screen and credits.
Our inspirations from 'morph' which was a clay animation on Take Hart, Hartbeat and SMart we got asked to make our own because 'morph' was also a stop motion animation.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Cut Out Animation
Cut out animation click the link to view the video.
We drew some pictures of what animation we wanted to create so we had a think and we did a fish jumping out of his bowl into a tank with a shark. So we drew the goldfish and the goldfish bowl and then we used an A4 piece of paper for the tank and then drew a shark. We cut them all out and then did a background for the cut outs where we drew like a telephone table for the goldfish bowl and drew a desk type thing for the tank.
We used istopmotion to create the animation with a Sony DV camera and moved the images ever so slightly for every frame so that it ran as smooth as possible so it didn't look jumpy.
We then exported it using quick time so that it was the best quality possible.
We then went onto imovie to edit it and to add some sound into our animation so it wasn't just plain and quite. So we added a munching sound for when thew shark ate the fish and when the goldfish was jumping in and out of tanks we added a splashing noise.
The finally we added it onto YouTube so that everybody can see our work.
Today was a good practice for creating animations, it wasn't as difficult for me because I did animation's last year just like the one I did today.
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