Shot 2 the caterpillar is kind of standing up the audio is "He started to look for some food".
Shot 3 the caterpillar is going past one apple the audio is "On Monday he ate through one apple but he was still hungry".
Shot 4 the caterpillar goes past two pears audio is "On Tuesday he ate through two pears but he was still hungry".

Shot 6 the caterpillar goes past four strawberries audio is "On Thursday he ate through four strawberries but he was still hungry".
Shot 7 the caterpillar goes past five oranges audio is "On Friday he ate through five oranges but he was still hungry, That night he had a stomachache".
Shot 8 the caterpillar goes past one big leaf audio is "The next day the caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf and after that he felt much better".
Shot 9 the caterpillar in the middle audio is "Now he wasn't hungry any more - and he wasn't a little caterpillar anymore. He was a big fat caterpillar".

Shot 11a butterfly in the middle audio is "He was a beautiful caterpillar".